The Department of Homeland Security defends its decision amid accusations of political bias from France.
U.S. Clears Air on French Scientist's Denied Entry Amid Political Claims

U.S. Clears Air on French Scientist's Denied Entry Amid Political Claims
Confidential Data, Not Politics, Cited in Scientist's Turnaway from U.S.
In an escalating diplomatic row, the U.S. government has responded to claims from French officials alleging that a scientist was barred entry based on his criticisms of the Trump administration. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) clarified that the decision was predicated on the scientist’s possession of “confidential” material from a U.S. lab, and not his opinion on political matters.
Speaking to reporters, DHS spokesperson Tricia McLaughlin firmly denied French assertions that the academic experienced discrimination due to his views. “The individual was turned back for violating a nondisclosure agreement by carrying confidential information electronically from Los Alamos National Laboratory, which he admitted to taking without authorization,” McLaughlin stated.
The unnamed French researcher specializes in outer space studies and was en route to a conference near Houston when he encountered immigration issues. Philippe Baptiste, France's minister for higher education, claimed the scientist was denied entry due to messages on his phone that contained personal opinions about President Trump’s research policies.
Countering this narrative, McLaughlin emphasized, “Any assertions that the incident reflects political beliefs are entirely unfounded.” However, detailed information on the scientist’s ties to Los Alamos, known for its pivotal role in atomic bomb development, remained sparse.
The scientist is associated with France's National Center for Scientific Research, but representatives from the center did not provide immediate comments on DHS’s allegations. Baptiste, who previously headed the French National Center for Space Studies, expressed concern over the incident, describing it as “extraordinarily atypical” and threatening to academic freedoms.
The French Academy of Sciences echoed these sentiments, warning that the deportation undercuts fundamental academic freedoms such as expression and travel. As the spat unfolds, it marks a challenging moment for U.S.-France relations, centered on the delicate balance between national security and academic freedom.